
All of our incubator are compatible with the standard UK dispslide size. If in doubt, please do call us.
All incubators serve the same non-complex purpose - to keep their contents at a tightly controlled fixed temperature. All of the incubators that HX Store supply are tried and tested for this simple but important function. Which incubator your require will depend on how may dipslides tests you will be completing, and how often. We have a range of 2-dipslide incubators up to 48-dipslide incubators. Our most popular dipslide incubator is the GNAT MX2. This small and handy 2-dipslide  incubator is cost effective and is easy to use - perfect for small volume testing.
Yes, all dipslides require an incubator to maintain strict temperature for the required period of incubation. This incubation time may vary slightly based on the type of Agar. Please see the individual product pages for incubation times. Please CLICK HERE to view our full range of incubators. If you require a money-saving starter kit including dipslides and incubator please CLICK HERE.