
December 2020

Christmas Delivery and Operating Times

IMPORTANT TIER 4 UPDATE FOR DELIVERIES Owing to the announcement on 20th December of large parts of the South of England going into the new Tier 4 restrictions many courier service providers, including the ones that supply our goods, have announced much reduced delivery capacity to these areas, and in many cases have ceased delivery to these areas temporarily. If you live in a Tier 4 area and would like to place an order, please call us on 01909 66 67 08...

March 2020


Coronavirus – What Are We Doing To Minimise Risk?

Updated 29th April 2020 In response to the current COVID-19 (coronavirus) situation in the UK, I would like to take this opportunity to reassure you that Hydro-X Store has already taken a number of precautionary actions to ensure that we can continue offering the best service for you and your business while ensuring the safety of your staff and our team as far as reasonable practicable. We are following all guidance and advice issued by HM Government and Public Health England. Business As...

Can Water Softener Salt be used in Swimming Pools?

There's no doubt that Water Softener Salt can be used in many different structures and for many different appliances, but can Water Softener Salt be used in Swimming Pools? With 14 million people swimming in the UK last year and swimming pools being used regularly around the country, this is an important question. The emphatic answer is yes, it can. One of the primary reasons for this is that the purity between WS Salt and Pool Salt is comparable. Swimming...

January 2020

X-Pot Compact vs Hydro-Fil Mini

Before the X-Pot Compact and the Hydro-Fil Mini are discussed, you may be curious as to why you need Side Stream filtration at all for your premises. To put it simply, if you have a closed-loop heating or cooling system - you need it. Debris, corrosion, water quality and energy efficiency are three prime factors that will be continuously negatively affected without filtration. And in the long-term, this will also affect the business financially (through energy wastage and overconsumption of water). X-Pot What...

May 2019

Local Exhaust Ventilation (LEV) Testing

What is Local Exhaust Ventilation (LEV)? Local Exhaust Ventilation (LEV) systems are designed and engineered to protect employees from exposure to airborne contaminants or contaminated air. This is done by capturing and containing dust, fumes and other hazardous substances that can be produced in the workplace. There are local exhaust ventilation regulations, which employers have to follow in order to be compliant with health and safety law. Furthermore, each system must undergo adequate and sufficiently frequent LEV testing to ensure correct working. Every...

April 2019

Bacteria In Metalworking Fluids (HX Store)

Bacteria levels in metalworking cutting fluids require monitoring and control (as stated by the HSE). Measuring of the bacteria levels should be completed along with checks on fluid quality, for example, pH levels and fluid concentration. It’s important that your risk assessment covers how bacterial contamination is being monitored. The Health and Safety Executive (HSE) recommends that dipslide tests are taken at set intervals, typically weekly. Using dipslides is an easy and effective way to monitor bacterial growth in these...

November 2018