Scrubbing Up Nicely

Successful Kitchen Extract Cleaning For A Rural Scottish Based Client

Kitchen Extract Cleaning Contract in Scotland


Hydro-X began working with a rural Scottish council in 2014 following a successful tender for a Kitchen Extract Cleaning contract. The council provides services such as education, housing, transportation, and environmental management to the diverse and picturesque communities within Scotland.


Working in over 180 sites, many in remote areas of Scotland, Hydro-X Air formerly WCS Ductclean conduct 315 cleans per year across primary schools and community buildings.

Over the years we have built long-term relations with the council to continue this ongoing essential Kitchen extract cleaning work.

The main challenge for the Hydro-X Air team was actually reaching the sites with challenging weather commonplace in rural Scotland mixed in with a lack of signal and long drives.


The contract we have with the Council is to conduct kitchen extract cleans which includes essential full system cleaning to prevent the risk of fires.

Through our national coverage and highly experienced team of engineers, we are able to effectively maintain our cleaning schedules across the councils sites.

Following WCS Ductcleanโ€™s integration with Hydro-X Air, the team worked directly with the building services team notably their inspector to ensure reports were provided in a way that suited the previous regime.

Value Added

Hydro-X has effectively continued the ongoing relationship with the council, keeping the client happy following a smooth transition from WCS Ductclean. The council have also continued to extend the tender to Hydro-X for subsequent years as a result of the service they receive.

Quote Scott Mullins

โ€œFrom an account manager’s perspective, the council is a great contract to work with. The contract is brilliantly run by ourselves and the council. It has run smoothly over a long period of time and there has been a great working relationship between the two parties. I have the added benefit of being able to take a couple of trips up to the rural area per year to see our guys and to see some of the sites and the views, roads and the people never disappoint. The pictures shown are from my last trip to the highlands which was stunning even if I found myself on a few roads with no sat nav or signal. Thankfully I found my way eventually.โ€

If you are looking for a reliable supplier of Kitchen Extract Cleaning looking no further than Hydro-X Air. With nationwide coverage, over 35 years of experience and a team of expert technicians and dedicated account managers on hand we can ensure you are in safe hands.

Contact our dedicated team of account managers on 01909 565133 or email

scottish council kitchen extract cleaning client
Scottish Council Kitchen Extract Cleaning