Process Engineering for Steam Boilers & Heating

Steam boilers are a vital engineering component found behind a range of industries, services and processes. Comprising a range of components including steam lines, traps, valves, condensation pipes and water storage tanks, these large pieces of engineering are a significant investment for many businesses.

Mismanagement can be both costly and inefficient. Therefore, a reliable, consistent, sustainable and efficient approach to the water treatment management of these complex boilers and their steam output is key. Not only for industry leaders. But for consumers, the economy and the environment as a whole.

Working towards a better future with Hydro-X Engineering

At Hydro-X Engineering we pride ourselves on providing a world-leading service where we work collaboratively with you, our customers, to optimise, protect, and reduce the operational cost of steam boilers. We do this with a forward-thinking, innovative, idea-first approach to problem-solving. Supported by future-proofed parts, equipment, technologies and data analytics systems to help you achieve your output and sustainability goals.

Pair this modern approach with our highly-experienced engineering teams who can tell their blowdown vessels from their hot-wells, and itโ€™s clear to see why so many of the worldโ€™s biggest brands trust Hydro-X Engineering with their steam boilers and water treatment needs.

In return, weโ€™ve helped them to improve reliability, increase safety and drive efficiencies by mitigating corrosion while optimizing fuel and water usage.

Steam Boiler Water Treatment

How our agile approach to boiler and water treatment can help your business

From food and beverage production or chemical and pharmaceutical development, to local hospital trusts and global manufacturing plants. We know the importance of understanding challenging steam boiler water chemistry, thorough pre-treatment processes, accurate analytical data monitoring and fine-tuned control systems.

It’s why Hydro-X Engineering is fully committed to providing a flexible steam boiler water treatment product and service offering to match your needs.

Services can include:

Common steam and boiler problems that can affect efficiencies

If you are concerned about your steam boiler efficiencies, our team can help you identify and solve common water quality issues that can affect feed tanks, the boiler and condensate system. If not addressed, these issues can mean failure to comply with national and international standards put in place to prevent the dangers and increased costs associated with faulty steam boilers.

What to look out for:
Scale deposits in steam boilers are often caused by insoluble minerals in the cooling water, including calcium carbonate, calcium phosphate and magnesium silicate.

Commonly caused by the re-oxidation of the metals from which water and steam systems are constructed during exposure to water.

Boiler water carryover
Also known as priming, carryover refers to any solid, liquid or vaporous contaminant that is carried by the steam generated by the boiler.

Salts and particles of matter in operational steam boilers can collect and congeal in feed water over time, creating a thick sludge.


Is it time to modernise your steam boiler water treatment systems? Request a callback from one of our teamโ€ฆ

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