Improving Product Quality in the Microelectronics Industry with Modern Process Engineering

The microelectronics industry is vital to the success of almost all other industrial manufacturing, from automotive and aerospace, to consumer goods, and healthcare and defence. Growth in the sector is impressive, with the global microelectronics industry growing at a rate of 15% per year and has a worldwide market of £500bn.

Ultra-pure water (UPW) systems from Hydro-X Engineering

At Hydro-X Engineering, we are committed to working closely with our customers. Together, we can meet water quality specification, reduce wastewater, and improve efficiencies. Our solutions include:

  • Ultra-Pure Water (UPW) systems. Hydro-X Engineering can design and build Ultra- Pure Water (UPW) systems to provide high quality purified water from a variety of water sources for use in the microelectronics and semiconductor industries.
  • Water reclamation and recycling systems. Hydro-X Engineering can implement water reclamation and recycling systems for microelectronics rinse water.
  • Utilities water treatment. Hydro-X Engineering can offer engineered solutions for utilities including steam, heating, cooling, closed systems, incoming water, and wastewater.

Common water challenges faced by the semiconductor industry

Cooling water inefficiencies caused by corrosion, deposits, and bio-fouling. Hydro-X Engineering provides cooling tower pre-treatment, as well as bleed recovery systems, dosage and control systems, and scale and biofilm monitoring systems.

Water quality inconsistencies caused by pre-treatment. Hydro-X Engineering can design and build Ultra-Pure Water (UPW) systems, including resin-based ion exchange, membrane systems including Reverse Osmosis (RO), and Electro-Deionisation (EDI).

Costly wastewater disposal, from expensive onsite treatment to time-consuming tankers. Hydro-X Engineering offers wastewater treatment engineering, wastewater treatment chemistry, and Zero-Liquid-Discharge (ZLD) systems.

Bacteriological and biofilm issues caused by biological growth in water systems. Hydro-X Engineering offer secondary disinfection systems, including Ultra-Violet (UV) disinfection systems.

Downtime and inefficiencies caused by a lack of visibility in a fast-moving industry. Hydro-X Engineering offers remote monitoring and control systems to ensure our customers meet their water quality parameters.

In addition, Hydro-X Engineering offers an innovative range of engineered products, these include:

  • Water Storage, distribution, and filtration systems.
  • Pre-Treatment for steam and cooling systems, including filtration, water softeners, and Reverse Osmosis (RO) systems, Electro-Deionisation (EDI) systems.
  • Chemical dosing and control systems, including remote chemical usage and level monitoring.
  • Cooling tower bleed recovery systems, to capture and reuse cooling tower wastewater.
  • Secondary disinfection including Ultra-Violet (UV), Chlorine Dioxide (ClO2) and other options.
  • Process and wastewater treatment and reuse systems.
  • Biofilm and scale monitoring systems linked to automatic dosing for live


Are you ready to improve your water quality and consistnacy whilst reducing waste? Request a callback from one of our team today…