Cooling Tower Water Treatment Services

Whether you have a cooling system that uses air, cooling towers or a hybrid, it is essential to know how effective/efficient your system is operating and whether it needs Cooling Tower Water Treatment Services.

How do Hydro-X support your Cooling Tower with Water Treatment?

Hydro-X will support with advanced monitoring and control solutions to complement our unique chemical treatments and filtration to minimise, bacteria, scaling or corrosion. We provide cleaning and disinfection of cooling systems through locally based and trained water treatment experts who deliver same-day service reports, and dedicated hygiene cleaning teams to maintain a clean and healthy system.

Well maintained and serviced systems produce the most efficient, and therefore cost-effective, utility that meets the demand of a changing environment as remain in compliance with relevant legionella legislation.

> Talk to us today about your Cooling Tower Water Treatment requirements
> View our other Water Treatment services

Why choose to have Cooling Tower Water Treatment Services?

If left alone, cooling systems can unfortunately turn deadly with microbial growth. This may sound like scaremongering but unfortunately it’s the truth.

Deadly bacteria loves to grow in cooling systems if it gets the chance and if effective treatment (i.e. corrosion control) is not used to combat this, it can happen faster than you think.

This is why it is so vital to prevent scale formation with ACOP L8 cleaning and disinfection, and scale control in cooling water systems. Breeding grounds for bacteria (including Legionella) are created if scale is allowed to grow, and this can cause the water to inflict potentially fatal illnesses.

A Cost Effective Solution

Hydro X are happy to cater to your cooling tower water treatment service needs with legionella risk assessments from the approved code of practice and with the use of chemicals where needed. We can implement an add-on to your system which activates or increases Reverse Osmosis and helps to dispose of suspended solids.

Heat transfer efficiencies and concentration factors are improved, giving the chance for the cooling tower to run more smoothly overall. As discussed above we aim to encourage a successful Ion Exchange and reduce water operational costs (that includes with cooling towers).

Talk to us today about your water treatment requirements

    What is a Scale Inhibitor?

    These are classed as elements that look to resist scale from forming within water systems (whether that be if the exterior material is stainless steel or otherwise). When added into the liquid (that would normally produce small of even hefty scale deposits) the chemicals stop deposits being formed, or atleast greatly reduce the opportunity.

    They can also be used in fracture fluid but they are not necessarily directly mixed with the fluid as this can have a negative effect. Rather than being an underlying addition to an already successful system they can cause issues for different processes – especially nucleation.

    What is a Corrosion Inhibitor?

    With the purpose of decreasing a corrosion rate, these chemical compounds stop solids ‘gnawing through’ after coming into first-hand contact with a liquid.  There are several variables which can heighten or weaken the effectiveness including the structure of the flow, flow rate, water quantity and solid composition.