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chilled water in summer

Chilled Water System Checks in Summer

Is your chilled water system ready for summer?

Please contact us today to arrange your FREE system check before the hot weather arrives!

01909 565 133

With the warm weather coming there will be an increased demand on chilled systems to provide comfort cooling and refrigeration to services. If the system has poor water quality it will lead to inefficient cooling; a failure to provide adequate cooling; or at worst provide no cooling to certain areas of your property portfolio.

You should take every possible precaution to prevent this from happening. Here’s all you need to know about chilled water system maintenance in the Summer.


Why can a chilled water system be a problem in summer?

  • Systems been out of usage over the colder periods now will not operate as intended when required.
  • Ongoing or past water losses may leave systems without protection.
  • Sludging in pipework will not get cooling to certain areas of buildings


What happens if my chilled water system has poor water quality?

  • System efficiency decreases leading to increased energy bills.
  • Plant failure – high non-budgeted capital costs.
  • Loss of systems – potential shut down of buildings.
  • Increase in bacteria in system causing further inefficiencies and damage to plant.
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